Monday, September 15, 2008


The past two years have gone by really fast! I can't believe that Andie just had her 2nd birthday!!!! She is growing up way too fast. It goes by faster and faster. I love her so much. I was just looking at some pictures of her when she was born. She doesn't even look the same. She looked so much like Landen and now she looks more like me. She had dark hair and it was straight. Now she had curly blond hair. She was 6 pounds 10 ounces and was 21 inches long. She was born on her due date september 11th. Which I was very happy about. I was not looking forward to going over my due date.

Andie one day old
I thought she looked so much like Landen when she was born

One year birthday

September Birthdays~ Happy Birthday

Andie 11th

Anjali 17th

Jayden 23rd

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I remember the day we came to visit you and see Andie. That was so cool when she smiled for the hospital picture. So cute.