Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July weekend....

This past weekend was a lot of fun! We actually got to see Landen! Andie loved having her Dad home. He really enjoyed being home also and just being able to relax with his girls. On the 4th we just relaxed at our house with each other and watched a movie. That night we went over to Rock Canyon Park with some friends and had a BBQ and watched the fireworks. It was fun and Andie loved running around. We played some volleyball and Andie was pretty good just to sit in the grass and watch us. When the fireworks started she was a little scared of them and need Daddy to hold her and then after a little bit she couldn't take her eyes off of them. The ride home only took us a HOUR & FOURTY MINUTES!!! The traffic was pretty crazy. It was still worth it for all of the fun that we had. Saturday we decided to go over to Provo to walk around the booths that they had there. It was really hot but Andie still had a good time walking around in her stroller. I bought something for Andie to wear in her two year pictures which I am very excited for. That night we went down to Scofeild with my family on my brothers new ski boat. We fished until dark and then they lit fireworks off of the island. It was cool to watch them on the lake in the boat. It was a lot of fun! On Sunday we had a family home evening up Provo canyon with Landen's extended family. We had a light dinner and a lesson. It was really good. Andie loves to see her Aunts and Uncles and Grandma & Grandpa! Yesterday after Landen got home from work we went on my brother Brandon's boat and did some tubing and swimming and wakeboarding. It was so much fun. Andie really like ridding on the tube. She loved swimming in the water. It was such a nice day and the water was so warm. The water wasn't very calm but we still had a lot of fun. That is the first time we have got to spend so much time with Landen since the season started. Now we are back to games for 7 days in a row. It was really nice to spend a lot of fun times together as a family. Now that I am done rambling here are some pictures from the weeked.

Landen's dad brought this bike over to us with a car seat on the back for Andie. Now we can go for little bike rides. SHE LOVES IT!!

This is up Provo Canyon at family home evening. Andie on the Ski boat fishing
Landen showing Andie how it is done.FishingIt was such a great weekend and I can't wait until Landen's next break from work!!!!!!!!!

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