Monday, October 18, 2010

Girl or Boy

I am way late posting this, mostly because I just forgot to do it. We found out on September 10th that we are having a BOY!! I was so convinced that we were having a girl. This pregnancy has been so similar to when i was pregnant with Andie so i just made myself think it was a girl. On top of that Andie woudn't stop calling the baby a girl and she wanted a baby sister so bad. I thought she was going to get what she wanted. At the ultrasound I could clearly see that it was a boy and I was shocked. When we told Andie she said, " I don't want a boy." After it sunk in that it really was a boy and not a girl I got really excited. Logan and his little brother are going to have so much fun and be so close together in age. I am 25 weeks right now so we still have a ways to go but it has gone by really fast.


Allan and Teresa Tipton said...

We are so excited for another grandson! Keep posting!

Anjali, Garrett and Kai Boden said...

Man, we just keep popping out the boys like crazy around here! :)